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Updated 5 Aug 2020

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Bible Studies


1 Corinthians 2

Paul, writing to the Corinthians, is aware that they are facing a number of problems and issues and is, therefore, seeking to be wise and focused in writing to the church. He knows that human wisdom will not address the issues and, therefore, looks to God for His help.

The Necessity of the Cross

Paul emphasises the importance of Jesus and his death on the cross. The fact that Jesus died was obviously important but the way that he died was also very significant. Death on the cross was a very public and lengthy event. The shame and the pain of crucifixion is incredibly humbling for us, challenging all of the pride and selfishness that exists in the human heart. He died for us! He died for me!

Paul's Preaching Style

Paul is very conscious of his own weaknesses and inadequacies and, so, he does not try to persuade people with eloquence or a great use of words. He simply proclaims Jesus. As he proclaims Jesus, he demonstrates God’s power, which calls people to repentance and also witnesses to the saving work of Jesus. People are healed in their bodies and delivered from demons, when Paul boldly proclaims Christ and God blesses Paul's ministry, because it is Christcentred.

Wisdom from God

The way that Paul proclaims Christ, reveals a wisdom that is not otherwise found in our world. The revelation and explanation of who Christ is, shows that God truly understands the extent of our problem and He has dealt with it in the most remarkable way. Jesus, dying in our place, is miraculous in itself, because he is truly God. Our salvation is not just for this life but, in fact, is opening a door for something beyond this life, that we can never fully understand until we are with him.

The Work of the Holy Spirit

God’s Holy Spirit is able to reveal to us, our true nature but also the reality and the nature of God. We are able to understand spiritual truth, because the Holy Spirit brings our spirit to life and teaches us the ways of God. God's ways are very different to our natural way of thinking!

The Spiritual Person

As spiritual people, we have learnt to understand and perceive God, not through the flesh or our own efforts, but through the revelation that God gives. When we resort to our natural understanding, we will be confused and troubled. However, when we learn to put Jesus first and to focus upon him, we develop the mind of Christ. Part of our maturing in God, is to put to death our old life and to develop our thinking and acting to be just as Christ thought and acted.

Points to Consider:
  1. What is your priority in your preaching? Is your preaching Christ-centred or self-centred?
  2. How frequently is the message of the cross presented in our words and preaching?
  3. Are we resorting to problem solving with our natural instincts or are we consciously looking to Christ?
  4. Do we take time to meditate upon what God has prepared for us in the immediate future as well as in heaven?
  5. How do you demonstrate, in practical ways, that you have the mind of Christ?

God bless you!
Richard Brunton

Bible Study: 1 Corinthians 2

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